DHA – roof fans with horizontal discharge for private houses


In the course of the optimisation to meet the efficiency standards of the ErP 2015, we succeed to provide the complete range of roof fans with horizontal and vertical discharge with reasonably priced AC motors.

We are simultaneously introducing the complete ranges with highly efficient EC motors, which place themselves well above the ErP 2015 requirements. All product versions are equipped with aerodinamically efficient backward curved impellers. The impellers are mounted directly on the external rotor motor and are commonly dynamically balanced.

The „P“ versions with AC or EC motor, come with an integrated isolator switch.


DHA / DHA … P / DHA …ECP_20 / DHA … EC CP

  • Backward curved centrifugal fan
  • Weather resistant plastic ASA, RAL 7012
  • Speed controllable
  • Integrated thermostatic switch
  • Maintenance-free ball bearings
  • P model is with unit switch
  • EC model is equipped with EC motor
  • EC CP model is with constant pressure control and with EC motor


DHA product range


Type ID  UN, V fN, Hz PN, W ηfa,% ηt,% Imax, A
DHA 190 E2 01 123014 230 V, 1~ 50 70 14,10 14,10 0,32
DHA 190 E4 01 128515 230 V, 1~ 50 18 16,30 16,30 0,24
DHA 220 E2 01 123012 230 V, 1~ 50 112 25,90 28,10 0,51
DHA 220 E4 01 128521 230 V, 1~ 50 22 20,20 20,60 0,23
DHA 250 E4 02 129982 230 V, 1~ 50 53 21,20 21,40 0,32


DHA...P product range


Type ID  UN, V fN, Hz PN, W ηfa,% ηt,% Imax, A
DHA 190 E2P 01 123314 230 V, 1~ 50 70 14,10 14,10 0,32
DHA 190 E4P 01 128518 230 V, 1~ 50 18 16,30 16,30 0,24
DHA 220 E2P 01 123316 230 V, 1~ 50 112 25,90 28,10 0,51
DHA 220 E4P 01 128524 230 V, 1~ 50 22 20,20 20,60 0,23
DHA 250 E4P 02 129984 230 V, 1~ 50 53 21,20 21,40 0,32


DHA...ECP_20 product range


Type ID UN, V
fN, Hz PN, W ηfa, % ηt, % Imax, A
DHA 190 ECP 20 129638 230 V, 1~ 50 103 39,10 39,20 0,91
DHA 220 ECP 20 129685 230 V, 1~ 50 120 43,10 43,60 1,02
DHA 250 ECP 20 129699 230 V, 1~ 50 204 45,70 46,30 1,69

DHA...EC CP product range


 Type ID UN, V
fN, Hz PN, W ηfa, % ηt, % Imax, A
DHA 190 EC CP 20 129642 230 V, 1~ 50 103 39,10 39,20 0,91
DHA 220 EC CP 20 129688 230 V, 1~ 50 120 43,10 43,60 1,02
DHA 250 EC CP 20 129702 230 V, 1~ 50 204 45,70 46,30 1,69